Time Bleeds
September 29th —November 7th 2014
A group show with Viola Films, Helen And Colin David, Matt Rowe, Simon Pruciak.
The film Time Bleeds is directed by Samuel Supple and produced by Debra McGee of Viola Films.
“What happens if we forget?” The seaside town of Folkestone, Kent, UK was the gateway to the war for over eight million troops.
To complement the Time Bleeds film, and work by artists Matt Rowe and Simon Pruciak, Helen David and Colin David have created several pieces.
These works continue the key concerns in their practice with themes that question the sense of identity: nationality, migration, folklore, mythology and the cycle of life and death.
This piece and the following images were in Time Bleeds, a group show at Folkestone Library October/November 2014.
And Still You Whisper Of The War [foreground] and Memento Mori Billboard [detail]
Helen and Colin David
Cotton, textile dyes 26 m x 22 cm
The title of this piece, by Helen and Colin David, is a quote from the war poet, Siegfried Sassoon. Bunting is part of Folkestone’s vernacular. It is a festive, popular British seaside decoration. Subverting bunting’s usual purpose, this piece is comprised of 101 triangles, one for each year from 1914 to 2014. Based on information about British military history, found in Wikipedia, [and intentionally not researched further] the red triangles represent years when Britain was at war and the white triangles years when Britain was at peace.